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Friday, March 23, 2012


 Cultural Park Bali (Bali Art Centre) complex is divided into 4 areas, namely:
- Sacred Garden Complex (Complex Sacred Garden) = Pura Pepaosan Beji, Selonding Bale, Bale
- Complex Quiet = Library Widya Kusuma
- Complex and a half = Mahudara Exhibition Building, Building Craft, Sculpture Studio, House of Arts and Wantilan
- Complex crowded = Open Stage Ardha Candra stage and closed Ksirarnawa (both located in South River)

Cultural Park or the Art Center architecture is a complex of buildings with the main sign of a big outdoor stage. amphitheater can accommodate up to 6.000 spectators to show colossal both for modern and traditional. Designed by Balinese architect Ida Bagus Pugur, opened to the public in 1973. In addition to the traditional open stage, there are many buildings and the hall was built in Balinese architecture with the best decorations. The building consists of two types, one type for the permanent exhibition and others is to exhibit seasonal, particularly during the Bali Arts Festival in mid-June to July each year. Two buildings with Balinese architecture is best for a permanent exhibition where people can see a variety of Balinese art dance facility or figures, engraving, art clothing, paintings, and others. During the Bali Arts Festival with an exhibition of all proposed buildings of all types of products, the art of not only products but also history, books, daily necessities, creative product, with the task of government departments and others.

The situation is real busy for a month party. Activity in the open stage of life even more, as scheduled life today show their representatives of the traditional dance or drama or pantomime of Bali, and other provinces in Indonesia and the participants from abroad. Foreign participants who participated as India, Thailand, United States, France, Australia, Japan, and Korea. new countries such as Vietnam and Cambodia are also actively participating. When the exciting moment is when the opening of an art festival, which always begins with a parade of the square city Puputan Badung Square (in front of Jaya Sabha) and peed processions, dance, music, decor, art and other marshal, in which invited high-ranking officials and foreign dignitaries on the platform waiting for a while, a traditional Balinese pavilion with thatched roofs.

Along the way the procession is made up of various artists show their actions or dance followed by a TV station or reporter. The procession usually starts at 6 pm and finished at 12 noon marks the beginning of a month long arts festival. Life situations can be seen both in the exhibition and on the open stage starting from the evening's opening ceremony with a procession. Every afternoon or evening has been scheduled for replacement each representative to present their events usually have confirmed that long before the event. During the day the rest of the stage is not always open, but several times a school or university will be filled with various activities such as life drum band, drama, or other artistic activities that they can attend. In addition to the normal show there is also a kind of competition between traditional Balinese music like Gong, and the winner will be appreciated.

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Friday, March 9, 2012


HAVE FUN IN NUSANTARA: LEMBAH ANAI-PADANG SUMATERA BARAT:  Anai Valley District is located in the Nagari Singgalang exactly in X Koto Padang Bukittinggi highway with a distance of about 40 kilomet...
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 Anai Valley District is located in the Nagari Singgalang exactly in X Koto Padang Bukittinggi highway with a distance of about 40 kilometers from the center of Batusangkar (via Leopold). Anai Valley is famous waterfall attraction. Anai Valley itself is a protected nature reserve area. In the shade of the forest there are some rare plants as well as the main attraction of the Anai Valley Nature Reserve, one of which is the carrion flower (amorphyphalus titanum). This corpse flower thrives in the woods. In addition there are also some dead flowers wood plants are the main attraction of this natural reserve areas, including Cangar, sapek, Madang Siapi-fire (Litsea adinantera), Cubadak / cempedak water (sp Artocarpus), Madang babulu (gironniera nervosa), and other so on.

There are also rare animals that are endangered, including the Sumatran tiger (tigris sumatrensis phantera), deer (cervius timorensis), gibbon (Hylobates syndactylus), long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicu-selling), monkey (Macaca nemestrena), pangolin (sweet java - Monica), deer (Tragulus sp), tapir, and lizards. Animals are often seen by tourists as it passes through the region, is a long-tailed macaques, gibbons, and monkeys. These three animals are constantly on the move to look for fruits that are in the forest up to the edge of the highway. In the meantime, to see the other animals that need facilitators to take visitors directly to the animals used to play and foraging. In addition to these animals, Anai Valley Nature Reserve is also home to various birds, like hawks (accipitriade sp), birds Balam (bolumbidae), bird pigeon, and quail. Hawks usually live on top of tall trees. If lucky, visitors can see it when the bird is flying around the forest to search for prey.

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Thursday, March 8, 2012


 Prambanan is a stunningly beautiful building built in the 10th century during the reign of two kings, and Rakai Rakai Pikatan Balitung. Rose as high as 47 feet (5 meters higher than Borobudur temple), the foundation of this temple has fulfilled the desire to show Hindu triumph in Java Island. This temple is located 17 kilometers from the city center, in the middle of the area that is now a beautiful park.

There is a legend that Javanese people always tell about this temple. Once, a man named Roro Jonggrang Bondowoso love. Because of his love, asking Jonggrang Bondowoso make 1000 temples with statues in one night. The request was nearly fulfilled Jonggrang asked the villagers to pound rice and make a fire in order to look like morning. Bondowoso who only completed 999 statues cursed statue to be Jonggrang-1000 because he felt cheated.

Prambanan temple has three main temples in the primary yard, namely Vishnu, Brahma, and Shiva. The third temple is the epitome of Trimurti in Hindu belief. The third temple is facing east. Each main temple has accompanying temple facing to the west, namely Nandini for Shiva, Swan to Brahma, and Garuda for Vishnu. In addition, there are two temples wedge, 4 temples color, and 4 corner temples. In the second had 224 temples.

Entering Shiva temple located in the middle and the highest building, you will find a room 4. One main room with a statue of Shiva, while the other three rooms each containing a statue of Durga (Shiva's wife), Agastya (Shiva's teacher), and Ganesha (the son of Shiva). Durga is touted as the statue of Roro Jonggrang described in the legend above.

In the Vishnu temple is located in the north of the temple of Shiva, you will only see a single room with a statue of Vishnu. Brahma temple is located south of Shiva temple, you will only find one room with a statue of Brahma.

Quite attractive accompanying temple is Garuda temple, located near the Vishnu temple. This temple keeps a story called half-bird Garuda. Garuda is a mythical bird in Hindu mythology who was gold, white face, red wings, beak and wings like eagles. Estimated, figure is Hindu adaptation of Bennu figure (meaning 'sunrise' or 'shining', usually associated with the god Re) in ancient Egyptian mythology or Phoenix in Greek mythology. Garuda could save her from the curse of Aruna (Garuda's handicapped brother) by stealing Tirta Amrita (holy water of the gods).

The ability to save that which is admired by many people until now and are used for various purposes. Indonesia uses the symbol of the state. That said, the symbol of Garuda Pancasila creator for inspiration in this temple. Other countries also use it to sign the country is Thailand, with the same reason but different form adaptation and appearance. In Thailand, Garuda is known as Krut or Pha Krut.

Prambanan also has panels of relief describing the story of Ramayana. According to experts, the relief is similar to the Ramayana story is revealed through oral tradition. Another interesting relief is Kalpataru tree that the Hindu religion is considered as a tree of life, sustainability and environmental compatibility. At Prambanan reliefs depicted Kalpataru trees flanking the lion. The existence of this tree makes experts consider that the ninth century had wisdom to manage their environment.

Just like the figure of Garuda, Kalpataru is now also used for various purposes. In Indonesia, Kalpataru became a symbol of Environment (Walhi). In fact, some scientists in Bali to develop the concept of Tri Hita Karana for environmental conservation by seeing Kalpataru relief in this temple. The tree of life also can be found in the mountains that used to open the puppet arts. A proof that the relief panels in Prambanan has worldwide.

If careful, you can also see various birds relief, this time a real bird. Bird reliefs at Prambanan are so natural that biologists can identify to genus level. One was relief of the Yellow-crested Cockatoo (Cacatua sulphurea) that question. Why the bird was actually only in Masakambing Island, an island in the Java Sea. Then, if the type was once numerous in Yogyakarta? Please find out yourself. Because, until now no single person who could solve the mystery.

Well, there are many more that can be extracted at Prambanan. You certainly should not be bored. If it was finally exhausted, you can relax in the garden around the temple. Interested? Come at once. Since September 18, 2006, you can enter a zone of Prambanan, although not yet able to enter into the temple. Some of the damage from the earthquake last May 27, 2006 are now being repaired.

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After coming to the Natural Park (TWA) Deconvolution Mountain, located just 10 km from Sentul toll Door South, it turns out this is the natural attractions of the mountain pine forest that has a tourist attraction that is very simple. There we can enjoy the scenery and natural pine forests, and turns in this location there is also a hot water bath. More info about the hot water bath can be read through this article writing.

Deconvolution of the mountain 854 meters
Location of Mount Pancar TWA is suitable for those who want to picnic with the family, his lunch mat, mountain biking, photography as well. This place is easily accessible and there are no bottlenecks such as the Peak. Only, do not feel the cold, because it's just the height of Mount Pancar 854 meters. If you are bored with Peak or Mount Bunder, the location of Mount Pancar TWA could be an option.

For citizens who live in the area of ​​Sentul, the Sentul City housing, it is definitely the location of Mount Pancar TWA is already very familiar, even boring, how ya do not get bored if the travel time from Sentul City just took 15 minutes. Sentul City housing residents could easily slide into TWA Mount Pancar, whether riding a bicycle, motorcycle, or car, because the distance from residential Sentul City is very close. There is a road cut of the complex / housing wall Sentul City precisely in the surrounding streets Udayana Bali Kingdom Park (see map below).

The original road to Mount Pancar TWA Babakan Madang through the village, then along Jl. Stone wells Raya and continue to the village of Middle Reef. But, if you want to take the cut faster, through complex Sentul City that has been described above. If it is not clear as well, it's good to ask a motorcycle on the road MH Thamrin, or security guards at Sentul City housing.

Just a suggestion, for those who have a car and after you get out or pay a ticket Jagorawi toll expressway in South Sentul door, you turn left into the road MH Thamrin Sentul City. Later you will get the Petronas gas station on the left the road, from there you should ask on a motorcycle on the road leading to the choice of TWA Mount Deconvolution: The first option through the village of Babakan Madang, or the second option directly through to the Middle Reef Village through housing Sentul City.

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Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Peak is the name of a mountain tourist areas which belong to the Bogor regency and Cianjur. This area is very famous for tourists both domestic and foreign tourists. This area is known as a resort city residents as an area of ​​tea plantations and built by the Dutch colonial government which is now a tea plantation owned by PT Nusantara Plantation VIII Gunung Mas. The beauty of this stunning area of President Soekarno, so he built a restaurant to enjoy the natural beauty of the Peak, which later was named Restaurant Riung Mt. In addition, there are also places of recreation and ecotourism are beautiful, among others, Gunung Mas Tea Plantation and hang gliding (Paragliding). The peak in the region there are also many interesting sights such as the Safari Park, Flower Garden, and there is a beautiful mosque with a unique and simple architecture that is mosque Atta'awun. In this area there are also a lot of villas and hotels are owned by local people to place beristirahatnya visitors.
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 Cilember Waterfall

 Cilember Waterfall Tourism is a hill with a panoramic stretch of pine merkusi where terdpt springs and waterfalls. Located not far from Jakarta; located on the left lane road Ciawi - The Summit, to be precise in Cisarua ± 15 km from the toll booth Gadog (Jagorawi). Located in a protected forest area Bogor - Peak - Cianjur (Bopunjur) at an altitude of ± 800 masl.

To reach the waterfall from the side of the road Cilember Ciawi-peak, there were no road signpost is clear enough, so be diligent in asking the taxi booth in the mouth of the road. The entrance is quite narrow, through the housing market is relatively tight, berbelok2. If you bring a vehicle large enough, seolah2 we almost hit the roof of the house.

Along the way, the heart continues to bertanya2, is it true there is a waterfall behind the house. After a smooth asphalt road berliku2, occasionally forced to retreat with the vehicle ahead as they passed in opposite directions, on the last hill which is quite high, on a hill which is still maintained Perhutani, behind a set of pages which villa2 with wide, lies the a different from the surrounding hills. TSB hill. stand out among other bukit2 ladang2 ridden population. Finding the green here, like finding an oasis amid the desert which comprises villages, villas and gardens of corn. At first glance it is only one ridge of the hill that still look green with pine trees large enough diameter. The hill was named Hambalang.

But, after entering the gate, the scenery changed dramatically. Now we enter the location is beautiful and calm reply. Sound of water gurgling from a fountain which mengangguk2 Because bamboo is empty and the water and so hysterical. Clear water flowing disela2 tanam2an rocks and derived from a spring above; a place that we would want to go. Suspension bridge, kupu2 park, water park, orchid garden, adding a relaxed atmosphere which we usually get when we resonate with the natural frequency; a harmony that we're looking for.

Signpost in front of the gate bearing the name of co-operation with the village perhutani Jogjogan. Perhaps this is one good example, that rural tourists come to enjoy with the presence in the management of parking, cleanliness, security and other management measures. They also invest, shop, villa, toilet and tent rentals and supplies.

This place is a strategic, comprehensive and beautiful enough for a big family reunion, holiday bersama2 anak2, and teman2 school holidays. Activities in nature and quite fun to spend the night here. Do not worry, here are some little villa which together with another setting of nature, prayer room, toilets and showers clean. So if we are not fully interchangeable abandon city life or if we bring anggota2 senior families or children, I think this place is quite satisfactory compared with for example the Safari Park, which is not far from there, which also offers something similar, but more commercial.

Wanawisata Cilember Waterfall which is a good place to start for anak2 acquainted with nature, learn to live independently, learn to cook while you play, admiring the beauty. Considered and the most important for some people of the city, which is located no more than an hour drive from Jakarta.

You also do not need to bring equipment apa2, krn alat2 cook tent and can be rented. Security which is usually always a concern for family camping, do not exist, krn location guarded 24 hours a camping ground by guards of the villagers around who understand the importance of security of your comfort there.

The main goal is to visit seven waterfall waterfall Cilember bertingkat2 reply. Generally, family vacationers enjoy the seventh waterfall; a nearby waterfall, which is only a few hundred yards from the gate. While special interest tourists (adventure) can continue to go to six other waterfall above.

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Pantai pasir panjang-singkawang kalimantan barat

Singkawang known as China Town City of Amoy and its Indonesia, because the majority of the population (approximately 70%) are ethnic Chinese. Visit the city directly adjacent to the State of Sarawak, Malaysia, certainly not complete if you have not visited Pasir Panjang.
The beach is a tourist icon Singkawang and one of the mainstay attractions of West Kalimantan Province has developed into an integrated tourist package of Pasir Panjang Taman Indah (TPPI). Named to the Pasir Panjang beach for long stretches of beaches surround the high seas.
Singkawang Pasir Panjang beach From the beach, visitors can enjoy panoramic ocean blue background is also blue horizon. Faintly in the distance bias Lemukutan island green, island of mourning, and a fenced Randayan island Natuna Sea waters. Extensive sand beaches and clean makes it convenient to use the area for sunbathing or doing sports activities, such as beach volleyball and beach soccer.
Water clear and clean sea is very supportive of the activities of visitors who want to swim or dive. In addition, relatively large waves and is home to many fish, so aptly used as an arena for surfing and fishing area.
The atmosphere became even more exclusive area moments before sunset (sunset) behind the islands located in this coastal region. Visitors can enjoy it from the beach or from the tourist huts are numerous in the region.
When bored at the beach, visitors can see the fishing village that lives not too far from the beach, or relax in the shelter-shelter located on the peninsula of Love.
Pasir Panjang beach Singkawang Location
Pasir Panjang beach is located in District Seventeen, Singkawang, West Kalimantan Province, Indonesia.
Singkawang town is about 142 kilometers from the city of Pontianak, West Kalimantan provincial capital. From the Airport Bus Terminal Supadio or Pontianak, visitors can take a taxi, travel, or a bus to Singkawang. From the center of Singkawang, Pasir Panjang beach is approximately 17 miles to go. Visitors can access it by taxi, bus, or minibus.
Ticket prices
Visitors free of charge at Rp 5,000, - per person.
Accommodation and Other Facilities
Pasir Panjang beach Singkawang In Pasir Panjang Beach area there are tourist information centers, discotheques, rental speed boat, water bikes, darmoling, karting, shelter, shelter, cottage, and gift shop. Visitors who are not used to swim at the beach to swim in the pool of available, while not like swimming or sunbathing can surround the beach with the banana boat ride. Visitors who bring their children can still have fun because in this region are children's playground.
Visitors are not going to be having trouble finding food because in this area there are restaurants, cafes, food stalls, and hawkers. So is that like to stay, do not have to bother with a tent or sleeping bag because the region is available guesthouses and hotels in various types.

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Monday, March 5, 2012

bogor botanical garden

 Have already been to the Botanical Garden? If not, you should immediately schedule to visit a historic place and has a collection of rare plants. Bogor Botanical Gardens (KRB) is a good place to meet the educational and recreational needs of all in one place.There were also a library, museum animals, collection orchid garden, the Presidential Palace and the center's research and development biology, as well as a collection of thousands of species of tropical plants are grouped according to type, for example the family of palms, bamboo, or ginger which account for about 60 tree species and alsoancient trees.

Not only are there a large plant in KRB, but the trees are small and the beautiful flowers were there. There were also a famous flower rafllesia Arnoldy as the corpse flower, there is also fragnant frangipani flower whose roots always come out of the ground and the lily of Java is already scarce. No less interesting is the presence of large old trees used as bat houses hanging. We can also see squirrels jumping from one tree to another.Meanwhile, in Bogor Palace, visitors can feel the shade of a row of trees that shade Walnuts, because it had been, the botanical garden is part of the courtyard. Although now separated into two places, but visitors can still see the Bogor Palace.Astrid near the plant, there is also black, red and yellow colors deliberately planted to impress the Belgian flag, in honor of Queen Astrid who came to inaugurate the park are pending in 1928.Then, not far from the lake there are two statues that are duplicates of existing statue in Copenhagen and Stockholm, the Little Mermaid statue and the statue of the Lord's hand, and the monuments of Lady Raffles, wife of Governor-General Sir Stamford Raffles Raffles whose real name is Olivia, known as the Mother Java state.KRB is the oldest tree in Lychee trees from China. KRB is planted near the lake in 1823 and remained there until now. There is also a tree called the King of Borneo and the like that because the king in Kalimantan like to collect these plants to attract bees that made honey. KRB is approximately 63 km from Jakarta. Visitors can take a bus from Jakarta to Terminal Station Baranangsiang or train to Bogor. But for you who can drive a private car through Jagorawi toll road to the city of Bogor, Bogor so exit the toll booth, past the terminal Baranangsiang, then at Pajajaran highway. (PV)
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