the new information

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Peak is the name of a mountain tourist areas which belong to the Bogor regency and Cianjur. This area is very famous for tourists both domestic and foreign tourists. This area is known as a resort city residents as an area of ​​tea plantations and built by the Dutch colonial government which is now a tea plantation owned by PT Nusantara Plantation VIII Gunung Mas. The beauty of this stunning area of President Soekarno, so he built a restaurant to enjoy the natural beauty of the Peak, which later was named Restaurant Riung Mt. In addition, there are also places of recreation and ecotourism are beautiful, among others, Gunung Mas Tea Plantation and hang gliding (Paragliding). The peak in the region there are also many interesting sights such as the Safari Park, Flower Garden, and there is a beautiful mosque with a unique and simple architecture that is mosque Atta'awun. In this area there are also a lot of villas and hotels are owned by local people to place beristirahatnya visitors.


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