the new information

Friday, March 9, 2012


 Anai Valley District is located in the Nagari Singgalang exactly in X Koto Padang Bukittinggi highway with a distance of about 40 kilometers from the center of Batusangkar (via Leopold). Anai Valley is famous waterfall attraction. Anai Valley itself is a protected nature reserve area. In the shade of the forest there are some rare plants as well as the main attraction of the Anai Valley Nature Reserve, one of which is the carrion flower (amorphyphalus titanum). This corpse flower thrives in the woods. In addition there are also some dead flowers wood plants are the main attraction of this natural reserve areas, including Cangar, sapek, Madang Siapi-fire (Litsea adinantera), Cubadak / cempedak water (sp Artocarpus), Madang babulu (gironniera nervosa), and other so on.

There are also rare animals that are endangered, including the Sumatran tiger (tigris sumatrensis phantera), deer (cervius timorensis), gibbon (Hylobates syndactylus), long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicu-selling), monkey (Macaca nemestrena), pangolin (sweet java - Monica), deer (Tragulus sp), tapir, and lizards. Animals are often seen by tourists as it passes through the region, is a long-tailed macaques, gibbons, and monkeys. These three animals are constantly on the move to look for fruits that are in the forest up to the edge of the highway. In the meantime, to see the other animals that need facilitators to take visitors directly to the animals used to play and foraging. In addition to these animals, Anai Valley Nature Reserve is also home to various birds, like hawks (accipitriade sp), birds Balam (bolumbidae), bird pigeon, and quail. Hawks usually live on top of tall trees. If lucky, visitors can see it when the bird is flying around the forest to search for prey.


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